10 Ways To Make Your Amazing Kids Smarter

10 Ways To Make Your Amazing Kids Smarter

In his book Einstein Never Used Flash Cards, Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek points out that your younger children need the opportunity to be children, and too many parents especially fathers are too trying to raise their children to be academic geniuses, or to find ways to make kids smarter. Various child care patterns and child parenting knowledge as well as parenting parents are studied to get maximum results

Hirsh-Pasek states in US News and World Report:
“We know a lot about teaching young children to learn, based on 30 years of incredible knowledge. Young children can learn about physics with the help of blocks.

1. Set Rest Time

It is very important for children to get the amount of rest appropriate to their development. Follow your pediatrician’s recommendations – at least 8 hours a night. Your child will not only be more attentive and ready to learn, but also happier and more energetic. Set a bedtime for your child and stick to it and be consistent with it.

2. Expand the Brain Exercise

Your child’s brain is like a sponge, ready to absorb anything. Age-appropriate games stimulate the mind and really help develop skills. Board games, building blocks, puzzles, chess are just a few examples of games that build intelligence. stimulate their curiosity.

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3. Frequent Physical Activity

Whether it’s sports in general or playing in the park, children need physical activity to stimulate their five senses. A University of Illinois study found that healthy children did better in school than children with low immunity. They also have higher levels of self-esteem and self-confidence. Fathers going out and playing with your children can also improve the relationship between the child and the parents.

4. Learn to Play Music Make Kids Smarter

A University of Toronto study shows that children who study music have a higher IQ than adults. Music feeds the soul and lights up the imagination. Music is a great way to open a child’s mind to new wonders and is one way to make children smarter.

5. Don’t underestimate video games

There are many games on the market today that are designed to develop a child’s learning skills. They promote strategic thinking, creativity and the ability to work in teams. While many video games have obvious drawbacks, some are great for developing motor skills and memory.

6. Adequate Nutrition Intake

Children need regular and nutritious meals. The constant flow of junk food makes children more susceptible to disease. They also lack nutrients such as iron, which is necessary for the growth of healthy brain tissue.

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7. Cultivate a Reading Culture, Book Make Kids Smarter

Encouraging your child to read is the cheapest and most effective way to encourage your child to learn. Read to your child as soon as possible and as much as possible. Please keep lots of books in your house. Be sure to bring one. Those little eyes are always watching what you do.

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8. Safe Living Area

In order for children to do their best, they need a sense of security. Provide a stable and reliable home environment. Think about your child before you act. He is sensitive and should be treated as such.

9. Give the Real Experience

Take your kids outside and see the world around them. take them to the park Take them to the mountains, the zoo, museums and the beach. Take your kids on brisk walks often. Every place your child visits is a learning and unforgettable experience.

10. Change Parenting For Future Kids Smarter

Your child will not be the best, the smartest, or the fastest in every aspect of life. We all have talents and weaknesses. Encourage your child to always do their best and work as hard as possible.